
The Resilient Leader:
A Foundational Guide to Building Resilient Leadership, Volume 1

Becoming a resilient leader is crucial for navigating challenges effectively, inspiring trust, and fostering empowerment within teams. Resilient leaders provide stability in turbulent times, adapt swiftly to change, and cultivate perseverance among their team. Moreover, nurturing resilience encourages innovation and drive both personally and for organizational success.

Authentic Leadership:
Your Journey to a 5-Star Career

Leadership can make or break a career. Authentic leadership is particularly important as this type of leadership guides your fundamental self-practices, impacts how you work with others and affects overall organizational success. But becoming an authentic leader does not happen overnight instead becoming an authentic leader is more of a journey that requires much thought, planning, self-assessment, and re-assessment.


  • Leadership Styles Among Virginia Nursing Home Administrators: A Quantitative Investigation

    Transformational leaders help to craft a shared vision that is carried out by the team. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire nursing home administrator leadership styles and the factors that led to both the development of those styles and the retention of the administrators who adopted them.

  • Validating the Perception: Perceived Leadership Styles Among Nursing Home Administrators

    Long-term care is considered a distinct profession or subset of health care administration, as the characteristics and leadership skills it requires differ from those needed in other areas of health care. This study examines the role leadership style plays in nursing home organizations and healthcare facilities and the unique aspects of leadership in long-term care.

  • The Relationship Between Leadership Styles, Job Satisfaction, and Tenure Among Nursing Home Administrators

    High turnover, inadequate training, and staffing shortages lead to poor quality of care for residents and impact frontline staff and nursing home administrators overall retention. This study examines the relationship between nursing home administration, retention, and organizational performance at long-term care facilities through different leadership styles ad management programs